A Rainy Day: zzzz
It’s raining!
Oh drat! I’m wandering around aimlessly. There’s nothing to do. It’s boring. Drab and dreary. As flat as North Dakota. I don’t feel like reading. I hate puzzles. I don’t know how to knit. Go for a walk? No thanks, I might get wet. I ooze like a slug, puddling from room to room. I find the recliner in its same place, waiting. I sit, wrapping a quilt around me to combat that nasty chill. I reach for The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. The pitter patter of the rain is hypnotic, heavy; my head is nodding, drifting, sliding. Zzzz.
It's raining!
Oh, lovely! Look at drops sliding down the windows, racing to the bottom, and rain-dimpled puddles growing larger by the minute. Raindrops on the roof are a comforting sound, like a mother humming a soft lullaby before bed. I can read all day if I want! Or should I knit? The click-clack of needles would add a harmonious resonance to the music of raindrops hitting my window. I should go out and feel the refreshing raindrops on my face and smell the earth coming alive! Maybe later… I pitter-patter from room to room and revel in a peaceful day. I find the recliner in the same place. I make a cup of tea. Ahhh! I sit, wrapping a cozy throw over my legs, reaching for The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. The words blur, hypnotically. My head is heavy, nodding, drifting, sliding. Zzzz.
There are two types of people in the world, those who love the rain and those who hate it. And the lovers love it for the exact same reasons that the haters hate it. No matter…the rain will fall. And rainy days are good for naps! zzzz