It’s So Cold…

that my teeth are chattering.

It’s COLD!

It’s so cold that my teeth are chattering, and I’m not even wearing them.

It’s so cold that even Canadian Man (remember him?) says it’s cold.

It’s so cold that I tried to take out the garbage, and it wouldn’t go.

It’s so cold that my brain froze, I think, because none of the above statements are true.

I don’t wear dentures.

Canadian Man says he hasn’t seen winter yet here in Minnesota.

I haven’t tried to take out the garbage.

But it IS cold. However, it is warming up. Only in Minnesota do you say ‘it’s warming up’ when it goes from -10 F with a -20 windchill to +7 F.

It’s warm enough that I’m thawing out. I’m coming out of an arctic polar writing deep freeze. I haven’t written a funny post for my blog in a loooong time. I have this author website that has been waiting dejectedly for too many weeks for inspiring articles and entertaining quips.

I haven’t been completed in an ice block, though. I’ve been wrapping my fingers around my hot coffee mug and warming my creative brain penning poetry and chapters for a novel. I have always said, “I am NO poet. I can’t write poetry.” I also said, “I can’t write a novel” and “I can’t figure out how to do an online blog” and “I can’t write a children’s book.”

It’s amazing what you can do if you just sip your fav hot drink and try. In the last few years, I have created a blog, two children’s books (my second book was handed to my illustrator just a couple of weeks ago,) a few poems and nine chapters of a novel after innumerable cups of coffee. All of which I said, I just CAN’T do.

I can’t stop eating sugar. I can’t lose weight. I can’t paint well. I can’t find time to journal. I can’t…


I’m going to get a glass of water and sit and think about that for a while. Sheesh! It IS cold! The water came out as ice cubes and the internet froze!

Maybe I should have gotten coffee.

Elaine Nikula

I am Elaine. Mom to eleven. Grandma to 40+. Married to Canadian Man for over forty years. Life is an adventure every day. Whether I am cruising the interstate or stuck in a muddy pothole, I come away with intriguing and exhilarating insights to ponder. When my introverted self calls me back home, I love to read, write, paint and have deep discussions with other deep thinkers about life. I would love to connect with you. Jump in and let’s go for a drive or find the closest cozy coffee shop to chat.

A Rainy Day: zzzz


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