I started writing because funny stories of things that happened raising kids were bubbling inside me. I had to let them out.
I started writing because I had raised eleven children and the incredible life changing lessons I learned in the process felt like something that needed to be shared.
I started writing by writing a blog. It is so much fun, that I keep writing. I enjoy learning and developing as a writer so much that I keep writing.
I write because even I am surprised at what comes out of my pen. I write because it is so satisfying to see an idea develop on paper into a story that people enjoy.
I write because kids inspire me to share the wonderful, hilarious, delightful things they do and say. Those gems are worth saving.
Creating something fun is as delicious as biting into sweet, juicy watermelon. Stretching my skills is as refreshing as a good yoga session!
I write because it scratches an itch. You all know how satisfying that feels. That’s why I write!