Caffeine and Creativity
I know there is something special about writing with pen and paper. I know it sparks creativity and activates the brain.
I know it. I want to do it right. I feel like I should hang my head to confess that, nevertheless, I still use a computer. I would have to put my writings into a digital form at some point, and l'm too impatient to have to write it in longhand first and then type it out. The computer makes it so easy to edit as you write. Delete, delete and then re-write. So easy! The thesaurus is my BFF. It's just a click away when I am struggling to find that just right word. I am powered by coffee. It's so lovely to have a cup at my side to sip and savor as I think and create!
Perhaps my coffee activates my brain and sparks creativity? I like to think so! Besides it's, ahhhh, so delicious!